
Showing posts from 2017

Critical K Magazine

I say this waaaaaaayyyyyyyy to often on my posts but long time no post. School is hectic as usual but I wanted to update on my assignments. For my CAD class final, I had to create a magazine using all of my work from the semester. Although it scared me at first, I really enjoyed this assignment. I always enjoyed graphic design, but unfortunately I do not get to do it as often as I would like. This assignment was mainly working on layouts using Adobe Photoshop so it gave me a lot time to work on improving my editing skills. So here it is. On the left is the back cover Adobe Illustrator to create lips motif and Photoshop to create spiral prints On the right is the front cover Adobe Photoshop to create pop art print On the left table of contents On the right is the reflection for the entire project Novelty prints that I created using Adobe Photoshop Fake ad for Public Desire  I used Adobe Illustrator to create fashion flats of the shoes and Adobe Photoshop to

Midterm Project

Two posts in one day. Look at me!! Just kidding but for my midterm for my Fashion Illustration class, I had to develop a small fashion collection based on a trend we were assigned to. After receiving the trend we could research images online and in magazines, gather fabric swatches, and do free sketches. I created 3 outfits on fashion figures using colored pencils and markers. My designs reflected my mood board. The theme I was assigned Moodboard I choose to go with a futuristic theme based of the colors I was assigned. The 90's cartoon The Jetsons  were a reference point for my designs.  The final sketches In the end I was very happy with my capsule collection. The colors are complementary to the theme and my models skin color. Even though blue was not apart of the original theme, I decided to use it as an accent color so that it would not be so monochromatic with all the yellow and brown shades. 

Back Again

Hello, Long time no post. :( I decided to study abroad again, so thats why have not been able to update as often as I would like. This spring I am studying in Italy at Lorenzo de' Medici. I have always wanted to travel to Italy. There is so much appeal here; the museums, the food, the fashion. I choose Florence, because I really wanted to study fashion and take actual fashion courses in a well known fashion capital. Right now I am taking Fashion Illustration, Anthropology of Fashion, Principles of Marketing, and History of Italian Fashion. I have been blessed enough to travel around Italy and outside of Europe a bit. I went to Rome for a weekend, Venice, Siena, Verona,  and Pisa. For spring break I went to Vienna, Austria, Budapest, Hungary, Prague, Czech Republic, Amsterdam, Netherlands, and I finished in Dublin, Ireland. Here are a few photos from my travels and I will try to post more often in the future.   Trevi Fountain in Rome Italy Vienna, Austria Budapest,