
Showing posts from April, 2017

Midterm Project

Two posts in one day. Look at me!! Just kidding but for my midterm for my Fashion Illustration class, I had to develop a small fashion collection based on a trend we were assigned to. After receiving the trend we could research images online and in magazines, gather fabric swatches, and do free sketches. I created 3 outfits on fashion figures using colored pencils and markers. My designs reflected my mood board. The theme I was assigned Moodboard I choose to go with a futuristic theme based of the colors I was assigned. The 90's cartoon The Jetsons  were a reference point for my designs.  The final sketches In the end I was very happy with my capsule collection. The colors are complementary to the theme and my models skin color. Even though blue was not apart of the original theme, I decided to use it as an accent color so that it would not be so monochromatic with all the yellow and brown shades. 

Back Again

Hello, Long time no post. :( I decided to study abroad again, so thats why have not been able to update as often as I would like. This spring I am studying in Italy at Lorenzo de' Medici. I have always wanted to travel to Italy. There is so much appeal here; the museums, the food, the fashion. I choose Florence, because I really wanted to study fashion and take actual fashion courses in a well known fashion capital. Right now I am taking Fashion Illustration, Anthropology of Fashion, Principles of Marketing, and History of Italian Fashion. I have been blessed enough to travel around Italy and outside of Europe a bit. I went to Rome for a weekend, Venice, Siena, Verona,  and Pisa. For spring break I went to Vienna, Austria, Budapest, Hungary, Prague, Czech Republic, Amsterdam, Netherlands, and I finished in Dublin, Ireland. Here are a few photos from my travels and I will try to post more often in the future.   Trevi Fountain in Rome Italy Vienna, Austria Budapest,