
Showing posts from December, 2017

Critical K Magazine

I say this waaaaaaayyyyyyyy to often on my posts but long time no post. School is hectic as usual but I wanted to update on my assignments. For my CAD class final, I had to create a magazine using all of my work from the semester. Although it scared me at first, I really enjoyed this assignment. I always enjoyed graphic design, but unfortunately I do not get to do it as often as I would like. This assignment was mainly working on layouts using Adobe Photoshop so it gave me a lot time to work on improving my editing skills. So here it is. On the left is the back cover Adobe Illustrator to create lips motif and Photoshop to create spiral prints On the right is the front cover Adobe Photoshop to create pop art print On the left table of contents On the right is the reflection for the entire project Novelty prints that I created using Adobe Photoshop Fake ad for Public Desire  I used Adobe Illustrator to create fashion flats of the shoes and Adobe Photoshop to