Advanced Construction Study

When I got back to Albright College, I decided to make the first part of my Gilman follow up service project an independent study course. This way I would get credit for it on my transcript as an elective. My professor, Paula Trimpey was my mentor for this Advanced Construction class. I proposed three looks, five garments in total which can be seen in the sketches. I created the patterns for all five garments using draping and drafting methods that I learned in my Patternmaking/Draping class that I took last fall. I asked Professor Trimpey for help whenever needed. All the fabric for the final looks was purchased during my study abroad to Cape Coast, Ghana. The notions, like zippers and thread, were purchased in Maryland. I decided that I would use the traditional African prints and make them into modern styles that can be work together or separately for a more casual look.

The fashion show take place in December so I plan on entering all three looks for consideration. I enjoyed bringing all three looks to life. I think they turned out very well and I am so grateful for this experience and hope to add all three looks to final portfolio for graduation.

-Khala Corley
Class of 2018
