
Showing posts from 2016

Additional Dress for Gilman

I had made another dress for my Gilman Scholarship. I did not include it in the final project because I sold it to a woman I met in the Bahamas. But I wanted to display it anyway. I created an original pattern for this dress. It has two pleats along the neckline and is backless.

Reflection on My Trip Abroad

I enjoyed every minute of my study abroad experience. It seemed a little unorganized when I first arrived at the school but it soon got much better. Registering for courses took a lot longer than expected and was not as simplistic as so in the United States. But that was really my only issue with the entire trip. I got to travel to Kumasi, Takoradi, Accra, and Busua. I tried so many different foods and learned how to prepare a few. My personal favorite was the Indomie which is similar to the Ramen Instant Noodles that we have in the U.S. Indomie is fried with vegetables and eggs unlike ramen which is boiled. Its also pretty cheap so just like college life in the U.S., I lived off of unhealthy instant meals. I learned so much about Ghanaian culture and how the college life is there in comparison to here. I went to the beach more times than I can count. I went to the "hall week" which is pretty much a party that each dorm throws during the Spring semester. I lived without inte

Final Garments on Me

These are looks from the last post that I published. The quality of the photos is not the best because the lighting in my room is not to good. But atleast you can see how well the fit. Hope you like it.

Advanced Construction Study

When I got back to Albright College, I decided to make the first part of my Gilman follow up service project an independent study course. This way I would get credit for it on my transcript as an elective. My professor, Paula Trimpey was my mentor for this Advanced Construction class. I proposed three looks, five garments in total which can be seen in the sketches. I created the patterns for all five garments using draping and drafting methods that I learned in my Patternmaking/Draping class that I took last fall. I asked Professor Trimpey for help whenever needed. All the fabric for the final looks was purchased during my study abroad to Cape Coast, Ghana. The notions, like zippers and thread, were purchased in Maryland. I decided that I would use the traditional African prints and make them into modern styles that can be work together or separately for a more casual look. The fashion show take place in December so I plan on entering all three looks for consideration. I enjoyed b
Hello everyone. I am Khala Corley and I am a first generation college student from Fort Washington, MD. I am currently a junior Fashion Design and Merchandising. On campus, I have a show with the radio station, WXAC, and I participate in Fashion Lion, the fashion magazine on campus. Last spring, I studied abroad in Cape Coast, Ghana at the University of Cape Coast with CISabroad. While I was there as able to take business and African studies classes while experiencing West African culture and fashion. When I first arrived at the University of Cape Coast, I realized that course registration would be a lot more confusing than how its done at Albright College. Instead of registering on an online portal, we had go to each department and get approval from the chair of each department and the let the Center for International Education, CIE, register us online. This process did not seem to difficult when it was introduced to us. But the professors had gone on strike the week that classes w